Overcoming Fatigue
Overcoming fatigue
Many people today are suffering from stress, fatigue and feeling of lethargy. A stressed body and mind are the main factors for the fatigue. It’s also commonly related to depression, or a symptom of other underlying condition that require medical treatment.
Fatigue is a term used to describe an overall feeling of tiredness or lack of energy & enthusiasm.
What causes Fatigue?
- Life Style Factors
- Physical Health Condition
- Mental Health Issue
What someone can do then?
- Create a Routine: -
Commit to a time to both go to bed and to arise each day. Not enough sleep is main cause that can negatively affect your concentration and health. Apply simple Coconut Oil or Himarathna Taila which is available in our store www.brahmionline.com Apply 2-3 spoons on head before going to bed. It reduces stress and gives soothing effect on the brain.
- Abhyanga:-
Body message using Ayurvedic oils like Balaswagandhadi Thailam or Ksheerabala Thaila (available in our store) helps strengthen the muscles and joints. Foot massage using these oils also improves blood circulation, stimlates muscles, reduces tension and stress, good for sound sleep.
- Practice Yoga / Exercise/Walking:-
Exercise helps to keeps your muscles and joints healthy. Regular practice of simple yoga like Pranayama, simple Asana’s calm down your mind. Regular walking 30minutes/day is good for weight management, diabetes, varicose vein etc too.
- Diet:-
Healthy Diet is very important. According to ayurveda, imbalance of 3 dosha and accumulation of ama is the cause for every disease. Consume fresh and seasonal fruits and vegetables, freshly cooked food. Use organic spices and cold pressed oils while preparing food.
Frequent bouts of fatigue can be an indicator of a host of different diseases. So, if you are experiencing frequent fatigue, it is wise to consult an ayurvedic Doctor.
Dr Mallika BS
Brahmionline Retail Pvt Ltd
Konanakunte, Bangalore
Ph: 91-8660501245 Email: service@brahmionline.com Website: www.brahmionline.com