Moringa (Shigru) Herb- Truly magical!
SHIGRU (Moringa) Herb
The Plant Shigru (Moringa) has a good range of medicinal uses with high nutritional value and is one of the most used herbs in Ayurveda. It also has a synonym ‘Mochaka’( can be used in many diseases.)
Kingdom: Plantae
Family: Moringaceae
Species: Moringa Oleifera
English Name: Drumstick Plant; Moringa
Kannada Name: Nugge kayi mara
Tamil Name: Murungai
Qualities according to Ayruveda Text Mentioned:-
Guna:-Tikshna, Laghu, Rooksha
Vipaka:- Katu
Health Benfits of Moringa:
In Ayurveda it is extensively used in the treatment of various diseases:
Kusta---Skin Disorders
Deepana-- Improves Digestion
Shukrala--Improves Semen quantity and quality.
Meda--Helpful for decreases fat and obesity.
Hrudaya--as cardiac tonic.
Vidradhi--quick wound healing of abscess.
Chakshushya-Good for eyes.
Kaphavataghna--Balances kapha and Vata.
Contraindication--Moringa increases Pitta dosha so contraindicated in bleeding disorders and for people with a pitta prakriti and pittaja diseases.
- Moringa is an important medicinal plant where its various parts have been used as food and medicines.
- Moringa Powder has good range of medicinal uses with high nutritional value. The leaves are an excellent source of Vitamins and minerals, amino-acids etc. act as a good source of natural supplements and helps in making immune system strong.
- It contains a mix of essential amino-acids, antioxidants and natural antibacterial compounds that works as anti-inflammatory helps fast healing.
- Moringa powder is high in several powerful anti-aging compounds that lower the effects of free radicals, oxidative stress and inflammation.
- As a high Protein food and a rich source of the amino-acid it supports nerve functions.
- Moringa powder is rich in antioxidants which helps for fighting fatigue, depression and mood swings.
- Moringa powder reduces the cholesterol levels by regulating the fat metabolism in the body thus helps in the prevention of disorders that can occur because of high level of cholesterol.
- Moringa Powder can be readily consumed along with water or moringa powder consumed in the form of tablets.
Dr.Mallika B.S BAMS
Ayurveda Physician
Konanakunte, Bangalore